Ep. 1-3 with Dr. Alan Lewis: Driving Change: The Future of Sustainable Freight

Ep. 1-3 with Dr. Alan Lewis: Driving Change: The Future of Sustainable Freight

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What future challenges and opportunities exist in sustainable freight? 

Welcome back to part 3 of our 3-part podcast series, as Dr. Alan Lewis discusses the evolving landscape of sustainable freight with host Mehul Khandelwal.

In this insightful episode, we will cover: 
  • Primary Data vs. Model Data: Best practice is to use primary data for reporting past performance.
  • Challenges in Data Sharing: Sharing data between companies is rare due to trust issues.
  • Developing Assurance Schemes: Assurance schemes support the GLEC framework and ISO 14083.
  • Future Decarbonization Modeling: Proxy data is needed for future decarbonization modeling.
  • Importance of Harmonization: Harmonizing fuel emission factors is crucial for reliable calculations.
  • Biogenic Carbon Reporting: New regulations emphasize the need to report biogenic carbon emissions.
  • Global Standardization: Standardizing regulations globally is essential for consistent logistics operations.
  • Smart Freight Centre's Role: SFC provides support through frameworks, collaborative projects, and training.

    Did you miss episode 1-1 and 1-2?
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